Monday, 16 September 2013

What to Do When He Proposes

Just like i promised.
You agree men would always want women for a variety of reasons and we already discussed the different stages and needs that men may have towrds you as well as you possible response. if you didnt get that don't worry you can catch up with the link at the bottom of this page.
What do you do, when a man proposes; proposing, is not you assuming the both of you are headed for marriage but he "asking" you to marry him and be his helpmeet.

First reaction is important, if he's wise he'll watch for your body language. if you do like him show it and be excited but you need to think about first before giving an answer. you need to think well, about what?

your maturity
his christian life
background differences
his maturity
Do you want to marry him
would you want his last name
just name, think about all them, in case of reservations, let him know and discuss it. this is not to say you must be similar in everything but to help know the pros and cons of living with him everyday of life and deciding if you are willing to happily overlooked his weakness.
You both can never be the same, even twin siblings are not.
he is not you, your brother or father so don't expect him to act like them
Get your facts straight and talk to frineds that are elderly, pray about it and wait, this can be weeks or months but if he's really serious about you he will wait.
Always remember a failed courtship is better than a failed marriage, be mature enough to admit danger signs and walk away.

Friday, 13 September 2013

Men want women:What women should do

Its no secret neither is it a lie that men chemically respond to women, sometimes involuntarily.
As a woman i would like you to know 10 facts about men wanting women and how to handle such attention when it arrises.
At work, school, church and virtually everywhere we go, men are around and if you have been with us for a while you would know that as an attractive woman the attention you get is limitless.

How do men want women or how do they show they want you

don't mistake this for sexual wanting, no that's not exactly what am talking about becuase i believe if they want you just for sex, something is wrong. As a woman you have certain traits that soothes the man in them outside sexual relations. such traits are but not limited to;

  • your beauty
  • your calmness and serenity
  • your motherly personality
  • your smile and soothing words
  • your listening ear
  • your body
  • your perspective
  • your love and attention
  • your smiles
  •  your hair 
Now what do you do when men approach you especially if you can't tell exactly what attracted them.
Use all the personality above excluding body to make them feel at home.
Never disrespect them, because if you, no matter how endowed you are they stay away and the bad ones plan to hurt you.
Don't give them 100% because you don't belong to them
Set boundaries on physical touch, emotional manipulation (women fall for words), outings and phone calls
Be sure to speak up immediately when they do things you don't approve of.
Don't be afraid to compete healthily with them

What To Do When You Get Dating

Give 70% you are not his wife
No sleeping over and showing him everything, if you do that why would he want to marry you
Cook for him only on special/specific occasions
Be sincere and tell him exaclty where you are when he calls to know
Ask questions when you need clarification
Set boundaries to intimacy
Don't dump your problems on him
keep a conscious note in mind that HE IS NOT YOURS yet
Never fall for sweet tones, stay away from over impressive men
Learn to say No and walk away
Don't text life out of him

What To Do When He Says Marry Me
Coming up next to follow us

i want to be attractive: how to attract women

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Weddings, Women Must Have for a Solid Marriage

As ladies our one non changing dream from childhood is usually the day you walk down the aisle in a white dress, moving towards the most handsome and compatible male we've ever met.
 But in all its fantasies and anxiety you can get overwhelmed and fail to realise that the day itself isn't what really matters. yes, its okay to want the best day but it will end in a few hours and everyone will go home leaving you with your prince charming.The first night is great, the next and the next, you give it one month you're both bored and start looking for excitement somewhere else.
So instead of planning a fairytale wedding lets plan a 'not a bed of roses marriage'
What I mean is, steps and precautions to take before you say i do,if you dont take this steps here are your consequences:
  • boredom
  • anger/iritation
  • fights and arguments
  • family interference
  • financial crisis
To avoid the above and much more here's your top 10 must have for a fairytale wedding and a solid happy marriage.

Ask yourself if he were to be cripled and old overnight would i still love him?
If you answer to that is yes after thinking it through thoroughly then i choose to believe you do love your husband/groom.

Decide how you intend to spend,save and share joint profits; will you both have joint accounts or deposit a percentage of your monthly income to a joint family account. Who will be paying for what? how and what will the money in your joint savings account be used.

State clearly or display exactly who you are before marriage, so he doesn't tell you "i didn't know you were this way or i wouldn't have married you"

Let him know your goals and business/schooling aspirations and agree or disagree on them, so you can both find a common ground on it.

How do you intend to accomodate his family, please let him know what you cannot tolerate. its difficult but will set a whole lot of record straight.

Ensure you guys can spend hours together doing fun things, believe some couples have never spent over 3 hours together so when marriage puts them there, it becomes a challenge and they can't stand each other.

Make up your mind to let go a little bit of hanging out with your friends because you won't have that time anymore, especially male ones unless if you would be fine with him hanging out with a girlfriend regularly.

Love his family and value his friends

Respect, Respect and Respect cannot be overemphasized if you don't give it to him, someone else will. never antagonize him in public or ignore his request.

Sex, okay i wish i could skip that but the list wont be complete, as you should male and female are wired differently so i'll recommend you get a good clean book on this topic if you are as naive as some of us. Because they are very active.

Food is vital, a hungry man is an angry man, bad food is worst so do learn to cook especially his favourite if you expect him to come home straight from work daily.

Compliments always tell them when they look good or do good things, please be sincere and nicely point out negative actions or traits.

Love covers a multitude of sin, so from the first question getting a yes answer,you can do this. you can be a good submissive wife who cares for and attends to the needs of her husband.
Don't bother about yours, if you meet his, yours will be met.
Goodluck and let me know if you have any personal questions.

Monday, 9 September 2013

How to have a fun Monday

301327_363874437028604_1561094600_aI have been thinking about my weekend and what i could possibly do to have fun and let go of all the work stress and up tightness, in my quest to have a blast weekend i compiled a list of things to do on a Saturday which is basically the only free day, because Friday is still work day though some may get and early off and Sunday is church which i can't afford to miss. so for me to be the most cheerful and be counted as one of the most cheerful person around on Monday while everyone else is stone face my weekend must be a great preparation.

Cook: if you love food like i do, you will know cooking, especially delicacies and specialities is a treat and a fun chore. now i watched food channels and have some really cool recipes I'll like to try, so why not go grocery shopping on Friday after work and watch for fresh,trans fat free and low cholesterol and fat foods.

Watch a movie with friends: this is a perfect indoor Saturday night, invite over some lazy friends of yours for the whole day,pick a meal you can all prepare,eat, gist and round up the night with a classic comic movie. you'll remember it for weeks!

take a trip to the park with your family: pack up a picnic and move to a far away park with your family or friends, if you prefer, get story books, old photos and journals. no phone, no email, its family time. engage in all available activities. you will all come home relaxed.

add that to a refreshing Sunday and you’ll have a fabulous Monday with fun memories.Thumbs up


Friday, 6 September 2013

How to deal with annoying colleagues

It really annoying and frustrating to have to see and interact everyday with someone who gets on your nerve at the workplace especially if the one is a little higher than you.

Simple things than can cause bitterness in the works are

  • he is always ordering you around and has no sense of politeness
  • he sends you on irrelevant errands, e.g you wrote your report and dropped it where its supposed to be but he says go get it and read to me, how annoying
  • he asks questions like you are a child that needs to be walked through every little thing
  • he questions every step you take and you have to explain, your boss wanted it that way and so on. now that can be really uncomfortable for both an introvert or extrovert.
the extrovert will simply not be able to contain it and may blow up saying all the wrong things which people may not really find cool.
the introvert will endure in silence thereby leading to bitterness which is not healthy for beautiful women.
so how do we do it, here's my little strategy which am about to apply because someone is really getting to me and am an extrovert.

you are going to go nicely to him/her when you calmed and free of nerves and ask "can i talk to you for a sec?"
"yes sure" his reply
"i've been wondering, if i may have done something to upset you or make your angry"
if he gives you reasons,good ones apologise and leave pending when he repeats the attitude.
if he says nothing then you explained that you do not appreciate his contenance and reactions towards you, avoid trying to name instances, that show you kept records and beautiful girls don't have time fo that.
tell him, that you apreciate your working together and the job but you cannot tolerate his attitude of authoritarianism or control because he didnt employ you and even though he holds a higher position you expect some form of respect from him. let him know the job may be important but not at the expense of your self worth and you can live beyond him.
while you are at these, dont let him interrupt and be calm like you are telling a story.
when you're done ask if he has anything to say, listen quietly and don't interupt. if there are any misunderstanding explain carefully, apologise agian if need be and excuse yourself.

now you've not only proven you are well mannered, but earned he's respect but if he's one of those kinds that like to fight dirty, take it to your employer.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

5 Simple Healthy Habits every woman must have

I have come to turn some simple acts into habits and the there are healthy, you see the manner and way in which you balance your health now will to a great extent determine how you will grow old. even though we don't like the though of growing old but we still don't want to die young. every one wants to live for decades and still be strong, beautiful and healthy. if you want these then its time to start cultivating this very simple habits that will go a long way to building your system for rainy days.

Habit 1: take a least 30 minutes walk per day, I know the car and cab issue makes it so easy to live months without exercising those gorgeous legs of yours. ensure to park at least 3 blocks from your destination and walk the rest.

Habit 2: drink water at least a glass every 3 hours. get a pack of water and drop in your car trunk, office and room so you can easily reach for it regularly.

Habit 3: don't ignore pains or discomforts you feel during the day, ensure call a doctor friend, don't have one and cant afford regular doctor checkups? just Google how you felt am sure you will get useful information but don't act on them unless you trust the site like WebMD.

Habit 4: try to keep a happy atmosphere, keep out all negativity. tell someone you would appreciate it if they don't speak evil things around you, or gossip and lies.

Habit 5: Pray, trust me its very refreshing and it doesn't mean you have to get a special position of place, just to talk to God while you drive and work.

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Being Attractive on a low budget

I hear all the time young ladies say 'I would really love to be attractive but I do not have the financial resources' what a misconception! you don't and will never need money to be attractive, its a thing that flows from the abundance of peace and love you have on the inside. Sorry to say, but if you don't love yourself and have an abundance of Peace its really difficult to be the favourite of those around you.
Now you might want to know how to get the Peace and 'self love' but I'll start with what there mean.

loving yourself to me is contented with your life, career and relationships, now you wont be content if you have garbage all around you or would you? As women who want to take control of their environment and feelings in a positive way you have to start cutting off some negative ROPES. they/there might be friends who constantly put you down directly or indirectly, a career that you despise and go for something you enjoy doing and concentrated on happy thoughts about yourself.

Peace is that innermost calmness, a life that's free of anxiety and worries. That is not to say you don't have problems, everyone does at one point but you should have a say as to how far you are going to worry about them and always ask yourself, worrying, crying, thinking and being angry 'will it help make it better?' if it wont you shouldn't give it time that's what women of virtue do.

Think on noble and productive things. lets say you badly need money for hospital bills, you can spend time constructing avenues to raise the money instead of brooding on how much of a total wreck you are, you don't need that bad stuff you are too special for that, you are God's MASTERPIECE!
you know what that means?, that you are not a mistake, or a leftover but a soul he took time to design and he will always be there, loving you no matter what.

so here's the conclusion for today. say these to yourself
I am beautiful
I am gorgeous
I am brilliant
Others don't just see it yet but I'll take this life of mine and make a success out of it and the whole world would know that I lived.

you should read this too