Thursday, 5 September 2013

Being Attractive on a low budget

I hear all the time young ladies say 'I would really love to be attractive but I do not have the financial resources' what a misconception! you don't and will never need money to be attractive, its a thing that flows from the abundance of peace and love you have on the inside. Sorry to say, but if you don't love yourself and have an abundance of Peace its really difficult to be the favourite of those around you.
Now you might want to know how to get the Peace and 'self love' but I'll start with what there mean.

loving yourself to me is contented with your life, career and relationships, now you wont be content if you have garbage all around you or would you? As women who want to take control of their environment and feelings in a positive way you have to start cutting off some negative ROPES. they/there might be friends who constantly put you down directly or indirectly, a career that you despise and go for something you enjoy doing and concentrated on happy thoughts about yourself.

Peace is that innermost calmness, a life that's free of anxiety and worries. That is not to say you don't have problems, everyone does at one point but you should have a say as to how far you are going to worry about them and always ask yourself, worrying, crying, thinking and being angry 'will it help make it better?' if it wont you shouldn't give it time that's what women of virtue do.

Think on noble and productive things. lets say you badly need money for hospital bills, you can spend time constructing avenues to raise the money instead of brooding on how much of a total wreck you are, you don't need that bad stuff you are too special for that, you are God's MASTERPIECE!
you know what that means?, that you are not a mistake, or a leftover but a soul he took time to design and he will always be there, loving you no matter what.

so here's the conclusion for today. say these to yourself
I am beautiful
I am gorgeous
I am brilliant
Others don't just see it yet but I'll take this life of mine and make a success out of it and the whole world would know that I lived.

you should read this too

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