Monday, 9 September 2013

How to have a fun Monday

301327_363874437028604_1561094600_aI have been thinking about my weekend and what i could possibly do to have fun and let go of all the work stress and up tightness, in my quest to have a blast weekend i compiled a list of things to do on a Saturday which is basically the only free day, because Friday is still work day though some may get and early off and Sunday is church which i can't afford to miss. so for me to be the most cheerful and be counted as one of the most cheerful person around on Monday while everyone else is stone face my weekend must be a great preparation.

Cook: if you love food like i do, you will know cooking, especially delicacies and specialities is a treat and a fun chore. now i watched food channels and have some really cool recipes I'll like to try, so why not go grocery shopping on Friday after work and watch for fresh,trans fat free and low cholesterol and fat foods.

Watch a movie with friends: this is a perfect indoor Saturday night, invite over some lazy friends of yours for the whole day,pick a meal you can all prepare,eat, gist and round up the night with a classic comic movie. you'll remember it for weeks!

take a trip to the park with your family: pack up a picnic and move to a far away park with your family or friends, if you prefer, get story books, old photos and journals. no phone, no email, its family time. engage in all available activities. you will all come home relaxed.

add that to a refreshing Sunday and you’ll have a fabulous Monday with fun memories.Thumbs up


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